Produced by-Malar Movie Makers
Scripted and Directed by-Mani Shekar
Cast-Vinod Logydass, Divya Duraisamy, Sathya, Shivnishanth, Vimal Raja, Yaseen etc
Rating- ***
Sports based films are indeed a rarity but director Mani Shekar has come up with a sport-based movie-the focus is on the snooker with a thin line dividing and differentiating it with billiards!
There are very many scenes that centres around the game of snooker and at the very beginning the director sets the rules and regulations of the game on the table of the viewers so that they get to understand and appreciate the nuances of it!
It also deliberates on the camaraderie between five friends all of whom work in a company run by the father of one of them!
Nilan (Vinod Logydaas) is the protagonist who is a snooker player too.
Niralya (Divya Duraisamy) who joins the team falls for Nilan and at one point expresses herself to him which he eventually reciprocates!
The friends are very intimate and would not spare an opportunity to stay together and enjoy.
The Snooker Tournament sequence has been very well shot and presented and it offers some thrilling moments!
On an occasion, the five friends plan a trip outstation which turns out to be a change agent in their lives throwing them all out of gears!
The climax portion comes up with an unexpected twist!
Though the comedy scenes aren’t too very enjoyable, the romantic interludes between the lead pair deserve definite mention!
Karthik Swarnakumar’s cinematography and Tanuj Menon’s music are appreciable.