Thiruvarutpa in Tamil Nadu textbooks: Paramporul Trust’s Mahavishnu appeal to the government
Guruji Mahavishnu is running a social charitable organization called Paramporul Trust in Tirupur district of Tamil Nadu.
He is doing a lot of charity work through his charitable foundation. This Trust continues to provide lunch to 300 people every day, help the education of poor students, provide financial assistance to sportspersons who excel in the field of sports, renovate government school buildings, plant saplings and provide medical assistance to poor people.
Following this, Guruji Mahavishnu has appealed to include “Thiruvarutpa” composed by Vallalar in the textbooks of Tamil Nadu with the aim of inculcating virtues in the hearts of school children. He has already met the School Education Minister Hon’ble Anpil Mahesh Poiyamozhi, Chairman of Tamil Nadu Textbook Association Hon’ble Dindigul I. Leoni and Health Minister Hon’ble M. Subramanian and presented a petition and talked about this and made a request. After that, he met the Minister of Hindu Religious Endowment Department Hon’ble PK Shekharbabu in person at his residence and requested him to complete the preparatory work quickly.