Produced by – ESB Creation
Written and Wielded by – Vel Wishwaa Censor Rating – U
Rating – ****
There is a general misconception that films made on a shoe -string budgets are far from being good. Hold. Indeed it a wrong assumption.Yettum Varai Yettu is a simple film made on a simple budget but what it is all about and what message it delivers is not simple but significantly superb!The film underlines the need of the parental community to be more understanding and appreciative of the aspirations and ambitions of their kids who nurture their own dreams and spare no effort or leave no stone unturned to accomplish their goals.Poomani is a simple girl hailing from a humble family who dreams big – she is an aspiring sports person who wants to win at the Olympics.Ironically, her dad doesn’t share her views and wants her to act like an average person without wanting to think big and do big things! In short, he wants her to be one among the crowd who is mostly unseen!Poomani ‘ s elder sister who is not very happily married after having sacrificed the act of pursuing her dreams subscribes to the views of her younger sister while appealing to her dad to be more understanding…When Poomani starts emerging triumphant in her arena of interest, her dad regrets his folly while recognizing the worth of his younger daughter!When all appears well, trouble comes in the form of a road accident which leaves a person dead and another – fighting for his life!Charged with murder, Poomani ‘ s prospects of participating in the Olympics appear to be a distant dream but then miraculously, the ailing person recovers and gives the authorities enough evidence to prove that Poomani is not guilty.The proceedings ground to a satisfactory halt.Prathyankara Rose as the protagonist is a perfect choice.Nanda Kumar plays the female lead.Aadukalam Naren asserts his class.Vel Wishwaa, the director has fashioned the script in an appreciable manner.Raja Yogi’ s music and Velmurugan’ s cinematography add pep to the proceedings.Reach out to suceess as high as you can reach – the title stands to refer!