Produced by – Mughavai Films International
Written and Directed by-Kuttypuli Saravanan Sakthi
Cast – Angayarkannan, Brana, Mayilsamy, T. M. Karthik, Chaams, Abi Nakshatra etc
Censor Rating – U/A
Running Time -126 Minutes
Rating – **1/2
The ill-effects of drinking non stop or at regular intervals notwithstanding the plight and predicament of the family members forms the crux of the plot of this alcohol – soaked comedy in which the main two principal characters in the film keep consuming alcohol all the while, while turning a nelson’ s eye to everybody and everything else around! Both the protagonists play their parts with understanding appearing as though they were in inebriated conditions all through the proceedings! The screenplay takes a different turn towards the end with both those characters being made to realize their folly! It saddening to see the late comedian Mayilsamy in such a character. Arun Kumar Selvaraj ‘ s camera has captured the conditions of those who hit the bottle recklessly and irresponsibilly! Chaams and T. M. Karthik too cut a sorry figure. The film sets out a note of alert to drunkards laying focus on the consequences that follow…
Glassmates is a lesson for all classmates of alcohol!