Films on feminism take a slant on the side of females while projecting a picture that all men are self – centred and by and large, spare no effort to exploit women at all times, on all occasions!
But Cable Shankar has taken a different route here while toying with a perspective that is daringly different!
Brought together as individuals who share common interests, their acquaintance turns into friendship and eventually blossoms into a relationship!
Once, the physical contact is established they go for a live-in relationship which begins well.
But not before long, things turn sour as difference of opinion creeps in which eventually puts a strain on their relationship!
What follows next accounts for the balance of the narration.
Mathiazhagan and Angelina are both quite natural and have executed themselves well.
Murali Sridhar ‘ s camera work warrants mention. The same could be said of Cable Shankar’ s handling of this short film who has showcased the mindset of the contemporary generation with respect to such issues.