Initiation of “Change” social welfare work on behalf of Sevaye God Foundation !!Tamil leading star actor Raghava Lawrence is popular among people for his helpful nature. He who has been helping many people in a unique way, has started a new foundation named Sevaye God. Through this foundation, transformational activities have been started. Leading actor SJ Surya will also work in this foundation.Bala, Chef Vinod and Aranthangi Nisha will be working together with them.The change activities in the name of Sevaye God Foundation have started from today.Through this foundation, the people of Tamil Nadu will be provided with necessary assistance through volunteers. Today, in the first phase, 10 tractors were given to 10 villages to be used by farmers. People from those towns can use this tractor for their use.Master Raghava Lawrence and SJ Surya, Chef Vinod, Aranthangi Nisha and Raghava Lawrence’s mother Kanmani Amma were also present at the foundation opening ceremony. The inauguration ceremony of the transition organization started today in the presence of journalists.In this ceremonyMaster Raghava Lawrence said…Hello to all my friends from press media, my raised children, my mother, SJ Surya my fans. 2 months ago a change happened in me. On the day he went to the temple, he had a dream and tears came to his eyes. That is the beginning of this change. I’m going to do it. I won’t say I’m going to do this, I’m going to do that, I’ll do it. It is a great pleasure to start the change today. Chef Vinod said what are you going to do with the change, I said I am going to find the people and ask for their grievances. Tell me when you go and I will take care of the food. He said he had the heart of God. Dear Nisha, I am happy that you are doing so much in whatever small way you can. He said we will work together. My latest friend SJ Surya, he called one day. I see change everywhere, he asked what are you doing. I told him about the change and immediately he said I will join the change. I didn’t think he would say this. He has joined me not only in cinema but also in change. It is God’s blessing. Let’s travel together. It was my mother who brought me up. When I was young, my mother said she would raise me like MGR. Then everyone laughed. But if not MGR’s size, I will at least act a little bit like him. Tomorrow is my mother’s birthday and from tomorrow this change will start, thank you.Chef Vinod said…Thanks to the mother who raised Lawrence Master. Lawrence Anna and I have been friends for many years. I first saw my brother on the beach during the jallikattu protest. I said I am a chef sir and I want to participate in this, then he took the number and sent it. Then one day he called me and asked me to make a big cake for a function. Since then I have been traveling with him. When the change started, I wanted to go along with it. I said that we would have eaten a lot of delicious food, but we will bring the same food to the children in the village through this trip and he immediately said yes. Thank you for joining me on this journey.Arandangi Nisha said…Very happy. When Raghava Lawrence Anna first called me, I went to see him thinking he was an actor but within five minutes of talking, he turned into Anna. My mother said she looked like the child I had, but she looked like everyone else. Change is one constant but many changes are taking place through this system of change. Lawrence Master said we must do something for the farmers first. He said that he should search and search. Its first start is the ceremony of offering this tractor. I don’t know how he got this idea. He said that many things should be done not only in agriculture but also in education and medicine. His thinking left me in awe. He said that this change system is going to help those who cannot. He said let’s do this by being true to our hearts. Let’s work together with him on this journey through change.SJ Surya said…According to the Master, he has grown up to this extent only after overcoming many struggles in the upbringing of a mother. After growing up and overcoming so many obstacles, the thought of helping everyone is overwhelming. Some people will think that we can help. But how many days can he do it, but he has been doing it for 25 years. I asked why you have so much love for disabled children, he told me an incident in his life, he told me about an incident my mother did. I understood when I heard it. If a film is completed, there will be no relationship with the actors, that’s all we can talk about while watching, but if I travel with him, it is because of his love. He is helping with his own efforts and with his own money. Even those who come to help, he shakes hands and tells them to do it yourself without taking money. What a commendable thing. The children he raised are growing up and helping many people today. What a big deal this is. He would take me to many temples. He has made many changes in me. He was very happy that I will join in this change. I will join him in helping the lives of many who cannot. 10 as the first phaseI will give lakhs. I said you do it but you do it with your own hands. I said I will definitely do it. Apart from this, I will continue to work with him as much as I can. This change is going to bring a huge change thanks to everyone.Ready Kanmani Ammal said…I pray to Raghavendra that everyone is well. I know nothing about this change. He always surprises me. It has been a huge change since coming here. I really like this people service. There are many more services to be done by my son. Don’t make it political bro. Keep serving. Let’s all help together. A lot of aid was stopped during the Corona period and now everything has started again, I’m happy. Thanks to everyone.In the ceremony, 1 tractor was given under the responsibility of Aranthangi Nisha for the use of farmers in the village. The 2nd tractor was awarded to Vivasai from Villupuram. 8 more tractors on behalf of conversion system. It will be distributed to the villages of the needy farmers in Tamil Nadu.