*”The seed of a change in the education sector has been planted by ‘Anjamai'”; Directed by RV Udayakumar Perumitham**”‘Anjamai’ movie speaks justice” ; Appreciation for Director Pramesh*Dream Warrior Pictures is a company that is dedicated to bringing quality works and good creators to the fans in Tamil cinema. In that way, it released the movie ‘Anjamai’ on June 7th. Dr. Thirunavukarasu has produced this film on behalf of Tiruchitram..Vidharth, Vani Bhojan, Raghuman, Krithik Mohan, Balachandran IAS and many others have acted. The film was directed by SB Subpuraman, who worked as an assistant director to directors Mohan Raja and Lingusamy.In this film centered on the NEET exam, director Subpuraman has emphatically recorded the pain of a common man as to how much the people are affected by the exam rather than whether the NEET exam is necessary or not. That’s why the film has been running in the theaters since the day it was released and has been well received by the public.Meanwhile, a special screening of the film was screened for the Tamil Nadu Film Directors Association. All the directors and assistant directors who saw the film were moved by ‘Anjaami’.After watching the film, director RV Udayakumar said, “A very wonderful film. It can be said that Vidart has laid the seed for a future change in the education sector by how he faced the problems that followed after quitting his job to educate his child. “Congratulations to Vidharth, Vani Bhojan and the children who acted in this film, who have done a great job of bringing something to people’s minds through the film,” he said.When hero Vidharth speaks, “You are the gurus who are guiding me.. Today I am being talked about as a good actor without you.. I am happy that I have come to a place where you all support me with a good film. I am most proud of the films I have acted till date in ‘Anjamai’. All the stories that director Subpuraman had were commercial stories. But he left all that and gave me such a picture that my first work should be like this. A big thank you to him for that.Must support this film. We all hope that only then will you come forward with more enthusiasm to take such pictures. I think that hope will not go in vain. It is the duty of everyone in the cinema to bring such a film to the people. Journalists carried this film as if politicians would give huge support after watching this film. The producer has gone for such an important call. We should not let this time go.. we are still running to take this to the people,” he said.When director Prameradu spoke, “How disappointed we are when we go on a tour. The hustle and bustle of writing an exam is still very difficult. The government should know this. They have to make their own way to write the exam in their respective states. Why does Tamil Nadu allow this? Why is the examination center not allocated here? Is there no room here? The director puts the same question to the state. All questions are fair questions.. This movie speaks fairness. Emphasizes fairness. We should get justice for this justice,” he said.

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