Produced by -BTG Universal/GnanaMuthuPattarai/Whitenights Entertainment
Directed by Ajay R. Gnanamuthu
Cast -Arulnidhi, Priya Bhavani Shankar, Arun Pandian, Muthukumar,
Antti Jaaskelainen,Dsering Dorjee etc
Censor Rating -U/A
Running Time-144 Minutes
Rating -***

The season seems to be ripe for the release of sequels!
It was Indian 2 a little while ago.
D’Monte Colony 2 appears to be the next one!
Ajay Gnanamuthu, the director starts this sequel with references to the first part facilitating the viewers to get a glimpse of the past happenings prior to beginning this!
He has meticulously tried to cover up the traveled tracks to ensure that the viewers catch up with the link of the earlier film.
Though Arulnidhi dons a dual role, one character of the two is bedridden for most of the time!
The other one too shares screen space with the other characters without dominating the frames all by himself!
Arulnidhi is subtle but effective!
But it is Priya Bhavani Shankar who steals the show both by her presence and performance!
The theme is a bit complicated but the director has spared no efforts to decipher it all as the film unfolds.
The second half is more racy ending up with a note that suggests a part three!
The climax sequences have been mounted and executed well.