Produced by – 5656 Productions

Written and Wielded by-RGK

Cast – Nakkhul, Arthana Binu, K. S. Ravikumar, Anandraj, Munishkanth, R. S. Sivaji, Cell Murugan etc.

Censor Rating – U

Running Time – 125 Minutes

Rating – **1/2

Forget not to leave behind your thinking cap while you go to watch this no-brainer, supposedly a comedy wherein the attempt proves futile!Nakkhul has tried his best to keep up his character but the script provides him no scope to do that!Seniors like K. S. Ravikumar, Anandraj etc try to hold the proceedings but again it stands out static without much of an impact.Never ever assume that the film is about that famous explorer as the title is a misnomer!The title stands to refer to a prison complex where novelty is the watchword! Humor courses through the proceedings offering a few laughs here and there.Go watch it if there is nothing better to do!The screenplay is too fragile to be deliberated up on!