The 68th Annual General Meeting of South Indian Actors Association was held on 8th September at Kamarajar Arangam, Chennai. In this, President Nasser, General Secretary Vishal and Treasurer Karti spoke as follows:

General Secretary Vishal

“Clap your hands once for Poochi Murugan Sir. I will say frankly, whenever I and Nasser sir are less busy, every day, they work in 6 to 8 sections of WhatsApp groups from 6 am to 10 pm. This is something I admire about them.
Every day of my birthday I was heartily happy to see the new building. When I saw everything including the Corona virus and the case, I would think not to go to the side of the building. Even if you have to go to that side, it seems that you can go to another side. But, when we look at our building today, the Nadigar Sangam building is going to be the best building not only in Tamil Nadu but in India as well.

We keep saying it every year, but I swear, the 2025 AGM will be held in our association building, it’s a promise. Efforts and work are going on for that. All the work is in full swing. I have only one thing to say to all of you, we are your trust. It is not just a job of sitting in a chair and signing. When Karthi and I talk a lot, we talk about if the building comes, the funding to help will increase, and that will definitely happen.

Everyone on this platform is a family working for you. It is the same family. It’s just that we are sitting on the stage and you are sitting below, everyone is equal here. You hold us accountable and we work for your benefit. Every time we go to the actor’s party, one thing comes to our mind. That is, we work with the idea that you should be fine, no matter which corner, all the cast members should be fine. How many problems came in this place. Unnecessary incidents happened. If not, the building would have come.
But without seeing the work, the case went to the Supreme Court and it was all unnecessary. Our building will have a drain. MGR sir, Shivaji sir, SSR sir have been there since their time. Through it all the bad people have gone out and only the good people are here.

So glad you all are here. You have come here from many places and it is great to meet you after a long time. As a General Secretary I will always work for you.” He said.

Also, General Secretary Vishal appointed Mr.Krishna Ravinder as Advocate of the Society and Mr.Sreeram as Auditor for the year 2024-25 with the approval of the members.

Treasurer Karthi

“There were many problems when the association started building. It was then that we met Jayanthi Madam, thanks to Sriman for introducing her. When I met them, they said, sir, this is a very difficult job, you know, madam, that’s why we have come to meet you, I said. Even though we have a place worth Rs.130 crores, there is no possibility of income from that place, so we can’t take loans from banks, so they took their work. It took three months to get the replacement certificate for the apartment building where our association is now, and it was a huge undertaking. Similarly, if we want to take a loan from the bank using the property of our association, we have to get a certificate from the tax commissioner. If the certificate is to be issued, they will check all the accounts of our association and issue it only if it is correct. In that way, our auditor Sriram worked on it every day for three consecutive months and got us that certificate. Give him a round of applause this time. We got that certificate only in February 2023. Then they said that if you take a loan of more than Rs.25 crore, you have to get a certificate from the government. After going through many stages and completing all the work, we submitted all the certificates to SBI Bank last July. We submitted to that bank as it is the bank that lends to the trust. Finally, Madam Jayanthi file it. Although we said in the last general assembly that we will get the loan, we got the certificate that we got the loan only last January.

5 years of non-construction work has caused us great distress. Many wires are damaged. Although the building is good, the price has gone up. 32 onwards
The cost of construction materials has increased up to 40 percent. Similarly, the interest rate on our bank loan was 14.4. But after we said we can’t do that, it was Jayanthi madam who talked to the bank and changed us to 11.1, thanks again to her. Likewise, there is a processing fee for borrowing. If you give it, you will get the loan. That amount was Rs.34 lakhs. We talked about it and reduced it to Rs.22 lakh. I paid that too from my own money, but as I could not often pay from my own hands, we paid it by lending it to the association. Although we have not been able to reconnect with the old engineers who worked with us, there are some IIT engineers working now. The contractor continues to work with us. Likewise, with the help of Poochy Murugan sir, a retired senior engineer from CMDA is looking after our building inspection without any payment. Having taken a loan from the bank, our expenditure bill is verified by an officer appointed by them. Whatever item is to be purchased, it goes to the bank officer and the amount goes through the bank.

We asked the bank for Rs.30 crore, but they gave us only Rs.25 crore. Within this amount some changes had to be made in the design to suit the construction of the building economically and quickly. There was a little delay in getting the engineers for it. Then the engineers were available and the work has been progressing rapidly since May. The iron pillared building is the Sankaradas Swami Art Gallery. Plays will take place there, and that is why we have created that theatre. This is a great asset that our forefathers have given us and that too in an important area like T. Nagar is a great thing. We have to earn income from it, if there is no income then no one can help us. We can’t keep putting money out of our hands. So we are building a marriage hall here to generate income. The AVM is as big as a wedding hall and has parking facilities that can accommodate 100 cars. There is no other wedding hall in Chennai with such a large parking facility. 100 days of the show in a year is enough for us to get huge income. At the same time, we have to pay monthly interest on the loan we have taken. Therefore, the work should be completed quickly. Also, natural disasters like rains will occur, so if the exterior construction works are completed first, the infrastructure works can be taken care of during rainy season.

The lending bank also did not pay it normally. They asked me to pay half of the loan amount as fixed deposit in the bank. 50 percent means Rs 11.50 crore. I was shocked when I heard that amount, how are we going to do this? While talking to Anna, they said that there are so many people, we can do this, we can build it, we are building the temple itself, talk to everyone. Accordingly, I first loaned Rs.1 crore to the association. Then we met Kamal sir. He gave Rs. 1 crore saying, when to build it, do it quickly. Then we met Minister Udayanidhi. He paid Rs.1 crore and got Rs.5 crore through his friends and reduced our burden by half. We met Vijay sir and he gave Rs 1 crore saying that he will give it as a donation and not as a loan. We met Dhanush and he also gave Rs.1 crore. While talking to Napoleon sir, he asked how much we need, I told him that we need 2 crores of rupees sir, we are working on that. By then, Dhanush had paid one crore. After that Napoleon sir gave Rs.1 crore. Finally Rs.50 lakh was required. It was given by Sivakarthikeyan. This is how we got that amount. It has been four months since the completion of this work. Although everyone gave as a loan, it takes heart to give such a huge amount, and I would like to thank everyone who gave it at this time.

This land is with us now, it is because of Poochi Murugan that it does not go to anyone’s hands. This place had changed hands with Satyam Theater and it was a big struggle to negotiate with them. Now they have given it to PVR. We talked to him while we were there, and it was scary to think what would have happened if the same corporate company had been there. The place our forefathers left for the next generation, now we are building this building for our next generation. When I go shooting in foreign places, many people ask me to stop my pension. The pension is not given by the government, it is given by the society. We were spending Rs.8 lakh per month as we were giving pension to around 450 people. We were spending the money we got from performing art shows. But, regular
We could not give it because of the lack of it. I ask you only one thing, pray for the successful completion of the building. That is our only source of income. If that happens, pensions, education of members’ heirs, and medical expenses can continue to be paid. 50 percent of our Sangh are over 50 years of age and many rely on Sangh alone. A mother is more than 80 years old, they told me that I am in an orphanage, they are beating me, and they asked me to leave the actor’s union. We immediately rescued them and put them in a shelter, where they are now happy. Many people have many needs. Everyone needs to know this, and those who come next to management need to know this.

At this time we have to say a big thank you to Rajini sir and Kamal sir. If an art program is organized for the society, they enthusiastically participate in it. We have taken a loan of Rs.25 crore, which needs to be repaid immediately. A huge art show must be held for that. Rajini sir has given many ideas for that show. He has also said that he will act on stage. Similarly, Kamal sir and Rajini sir will appear on stage together. Although there is no personal gain for us from such programs, everyone is willing to do this for the Sangh. I am very grateful to them at this time.

I have many people to thank here. A.C. Shanmugam, who gave an interest-free loan of Rs.3 crores during the construction of the building, Maria of Satyabama University is giving Rs.1 lakh and 10 thousand per month, with which we pay the salaries of the building staff. Instead of donating Rs.1 crore, Isari Ganesh gave a loan of Rs.2 crore. Mr. Albert gave Rs.50 lakhs. Without our auditor Mr. Sriram, nothing would have happened. Jayanthi madam who gave hope, Sreeman, manager of SBI Bank, Coastal Poems Raja sir, he is a great strength for us as he is in the construction industry. Kamal Sir, Dhanush, Vijay Sir, Napoleon Sir, Udayanidhi, Sun Star Hotel, Mr. Selvakumar, Contractor Anil, Our Executive Committee Members, Union Officers are working very hard even though the salary is very low. I pray to the Lord that their wages will be increased after the completion of the construction work. I am very thankful to Latha Amma, Hema, Lalita, Apollo Hospital, Dr. Vijay Shankar.

I would say that our team is the biggest strength. Everyone has a strength. If Vishal comes, he will make drastic changes in one day. Sir Nasser keeps saying that theater actors and artists. Puchi Murugan Sir, he doesn’t look at anyone, he runs and works for everyone. It will be amazing to see him. Before I took this responsibility, I had never been to the Actors’ Association, but after coming here I saw that everyone is spending their money and time for the association. Sachu Mom, every time you call and ask Dad to come to the building? Ask, they are not going to enjoy this, but the idea that if the building comes will help our members, they will give enthusiasm for it, thanks to all of them. We have done such a great job as a team. If we do this successfully, you will bless it and the trust you have placed in us, and I will continue to work to keep that trust. I will definitely see you again next time at the opening of our new building, and I say goodbye, thank you.” He said, I request you to approve the annual report and accounts in this general meeting, and immediately the members clapped their hands and approved.

President Nasser

“Here, Karthi travels with the work that Vishal and I have to do, and the work that he has to do. I thank him from the bottom of my heart at this time. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Being a dictator has its pros and cons. Poochi Murugan is the administrator we got with that quality. He is not a chairman, treasurer, secretary, and can do any work for everyone, without discriminating between theater actors and film actors. There are many people who have benefited from him. I come to the Sangam when I am not shooting, Vishal and others come here when I am not shooting. But Puchi Murugan is the only one who has spared two hours for the Sangam every day of all the days he was in Chennai, thanks to him. Now to the Actors Guild and the Producers Guild
Negotiations are going on for the benefit of the employees and I thank Karunas for giving voice in it. Vishal, you sow, we all sprout, the truth is. Likewise, if the executive committee members, the nomination committee members, who are traveling with me, tell me how much they work, send me out that this association does not need a leader. Thanks to them for treating me like a child and making my work their work. Thanks not only to them but also to you.

I think I need to talk about several things here. We honored Muthukalai, Delhi Ganesh, Kathadi Ramamurthy and many others. Then why the young pearl? A discussion took place. That is because he is a precedent. Theater actors save the money they earn during the season and drive off-season days. But film actors are not like that, it’s hellish agony until they find a niche. In such an environment, the actor Muthukkalai became addicted to alcohol and later became addicted to it. With the next step being the end, he got out of that habit through a rehabilitation center. But he was not respected for that. During this intervening period he studied for his conversion and earned three degrees. He is a role model not only for actors but for every human being and for that I congratulate him and thank him.

Film actors don’t come to the executive committee meeting, only theater actors do. The reason why actors are absent from shows is because they are shooting in foreign locations and cannot come and go. There is neither time nor need to talk about the reason for their absence. But even if they are not there, they are the first to know what is going on in the society and to be the first to attend an art show to raise funds for the society. They are working on every square foot of the building being built today. Karti was shocked when he was told to pay Rs 11.50 crore in the bank. But, after telling me about it and saying that you should not get tensed, let’s leave it for two days and then we will talk about it and then he met and talked to most of the actors. His efforts, and the contributions of the actors, have made the building what it is today. So, one has to think whether their attendance is important or their labor and the benefit they get. Even though they don’t come, Poochi learns from Murugan what is happening in the Sangam, it is their Sangam and they care. Therefore, my request is not to understate the fact that they are not participating in the General Committee and Executive Committee. In today’s General Assembly, if the main thing to thank is Yogi Baba. He is the reason for the respect given to our elders today and the gold and gift material given to them, all the expenses are paid by him, thanks to him. My brother was supposed to come, but he couldn’t.

Rohini spoke about the sexual harassment of actresses while speaking. Such problems are not only in our field but in all fields including medicine and education. But if we talk about people in the screen industry, they treat us very badly because it is easily accessible to others. But we are not going to be silent anymore. We will not fight anyone for it. Let me tell you that we will take action without giving up our rights. When the M2 issue came up, we set up a committee called ‘Visakha’. Through that we solved the problems of many people. However, it is not mentioned because it is the basic law that the names of the complainants should not be published in such problems. Now that this problem has become serious we have constituted a committee called GSICC. If any problem occurs to our members, they can complain to this committee. On behalf of the chairman of this committee, Rohini, I am also saying that we will surely solve your problem through this.

I am very happy to be traveling with you. You have said that today’s decision is unexpected, we want the same administration again, we did not expect that, we can look into it later. But this time, our construction work will definitely be completed. Even though we have gone through many trials and tribulations, I can tell you that this time our building work will definitely be completed. We accepted that all these trials were an act of validation for me, and thanks to my team for encouraging me, encouraging me and making me work. Police and office staff who cooperated in this event
Thanks to everyone.

The cast works almost 24 hours a day. A big thank you to the union staff who have been doing a great job taking it all from us and taking it from the members.”
Our sincere thanks to PRO Johnson who is working without salary, he said.

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