Produced by -Era Entertainment
Written and Wielded by – Era Saravanan
Cast – Sasi Kumar, Shruthi Periyasamy, Mathesh, Mithun, Balaji Sakthivel and Samudrakani
Censor Rating -U/A
Running Time -110 Minutes
Rating -***
Films the screenplays of which get set around caste based politics seem to be the trend of the times.
Well, here is yet another!
Sasi Kumar plays the protagonist whose make up effects seem to supersede his performance which eventually establishes his credentials as a discerning actor to an extent that is convincing enough.
Shruthi Periyasamy playing his pair is adequate adding to the impact.
Filmmaker turned actor Balaji Sakthivel has donned a negative role as a powerful, power hungry, local bigwig, Koppulingam, who exploits the locals who serve him like bonded labourers!
Nandhan (Sasi Kumar) is his faithful servant who does tasks for his Master just at the stroke of a finger!
There arises a situation wherein he cannot continue as the President of the local body.
Hence he lets Nandhan don that mantle, needless to mention, deeming him to be a dummy!
But , at a point, Nandhan inadvertently rubs Koppulingam on the wrong side!
All hell breaks loose as the Master spares no effort to crush his servant!
Things turn sour for Nandhan and his family.
There is a twist at the end.
The voice-over commentary at the end could have been cut down a bit.

The objective of the filmmaker is definitely commendable.

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