On the occasion of the 102nd death anniversary of Sankaradas Swamy, known as the father of drama, his portrait at the South Indian Actors’ Sanghamacomplex was unveiled by the Vice President of the Actors’ Sangham, Mr. Poochy S. Murugan, Executive Committee Members Mr. Rajesh, Mr. Thalapathy Dinesh, Mr. Hemachandran, Nomination Executive Committee members Mr. Dasarathi, Mr. Anantha Narayanan, Actors Sangha Manager Mr. Thamaraj paid floral tributes.
Known as the father of Tamil theater and the revivalist of Tamil theater, Sankaradas Swamy has staged 63 plays with Tamil theater as his inspiration for more than 30 years.
He introduced leading actors like SG Kittappa, PK Shanmugam brothers, MR Radha. Sankaradas Swamikal passed away on November 13, 1922 in Puduvai.

  • Johnson PRO