Director and producer Rajumurugan said, “This is a film directed by my assistant director Ezhil. This film is made with social concern. This film has been created due to the hard work and social concern of many people. I hope everyone will support”.

Producer, actor Hari said, “‘Parari’ is our small effort! We have put in real hard work”.

Actress Sangeeta said, “This is my first film. I hope you will support all our efforts. I learned new things everyday from all of them. Thank you all”.

Cinematographer Sridhar said, “After ‘Pariyerum Perumal’, I have completed five or six films. One day Rajumurugan’s assistant Eghil came to me and told me to read this story. The climax of the story really affected me. That’s when I decided to do this film. In the rehearsal, all the newcomers performed the film in a stretch of two and a half hours. This film is dedicated to the actors who acted in the film. Thanks to Rajumurugan Annan for making it. Thanks to director Ezil for giving me this opportunity. We recorded a lot of stuff live. Support this movie”

Editor Sam said, “Sreedhar Sir referred me to this film. As soon as I worked on this film, I realized that the result of the film would be positive. Thanks for the opportunity Sridhar sir. I was careful not to spoil the story of Egil in any way. All the actors have performed well. Work will definitely be talked about by them. You should see the movie too! “

Famous actor Mahendran said, “This is my third film. I have tried to act as a hero in a few films. When I heard this story, I was scared to play a villain. But Ezhil sir gave me hope by telling me the story. I have acted only as he told me. We have competed a lot and worked hard. The technical team also They have given a great job, watch the film and tell me”.

Director Ezhil Periyavedi said, “Thank you to my family and friends! Without my assistant directors, this film would not have happened. I finished this film at the same time as ‘Gypsy’. Rajumurugan will wait outside until I finish telling the story to other producers. I don’t know how many people will get this privilege. I told the story to everyone. I liked the story, but there was some reluctance to bring in Rajumurugan for this film I am very familiar with this film if it is not for him and the lyricist.Sreedhar has left six films for this film. The actors have also given excellent performances. We are all guests on this earth. Nothing belongs to us. The aim of ‘Parari’ is to say something good when we leave the earth. This is our joint effort. You will definitely like it.”