Produced by – Diya Cine Creations
Directed by – Sakthivel
Cast – Vivek Prasanna, Sakshi Agarwal, Daniel, Annie Pope, Praveen Raja, Arjunan, Swayam Siddha etc
Censor Rating -U/A
Running Time – 121 Minutes
Rating – ***

Years earlier, a stage play titled Rahasiyam Paramaragasiyam
proved a huge hit.
The theme centered around the upkeep of secrets of others and never ever exploiting for personal gains or for demeaning them if the content happens to be delicate!
This is the premise upon which the screenplay of this flick has been designed around four married friends all of whom get together as couples on the occasion of the birthday of one of them.
A game that gets triggered turns serious as each one’s (no gender discrimination here!) secrets come to surface causing embarrassment to not only the persons concerned but also to the spouse concerned as well as the others around!
The game goes like this – whenever the mobile phone rings, the owner has to open up the speaker and let all others know of the conversation however private or however delicate they may be!
After a point, they all decide to give you the game and move on to celebrations but another problem crops up!
The film has a good number of both interesting and irritating moments. The entire proceedings have almost been shot across the dining table and Prasad ‘ s camera work warrants praise.
To a certain extent, it is a message bearing movie.

Watch our when your mobile rings, next time!