Produced by – Tharagai Cinemas
Written, Cinematographed, Directed and Performed by – Balu S. Vaidyanathan
Cast – Anjana Keerthi, Megali Meenakshi, Jeeva etc.
Censor Rating -U/A
Running Time – 188 Minutes
Rating – *
Education and Politics have been the nucleus of the plot of films as Gentleman and many other such flicks!
Here is one more that has powerful dialogue in very many scenes in this fire-filled flick that packs a punch at every turn!
The basic fabric is about the strike called by a bunch of medical students who oppose privatization of Medical Colleges. The powers that be do not take this light and resort to all possible unethical methodologies to thwart their attempts to seek justice! A young and dynamic girl named Sentharagai (Anjana Keerthi) runs a moment to revolutionize politics! Even her attempts to ring in a change are challenged by the goons who represent politicians! The film’s USP is the dialogue – sample this –
Politicians act before the public while Actors politicized the situation! Whether justice is meted out to these two sets of people is the lengthy rest.