Produced by – Shark 9 Pictures

Written and Wielded by – Michael K. Raja

Cast – Vemal, Karunas, Mery Rickets, Pawan, Aadukalam Naren, Deepa Shankar etc.

Censor Rating – U

Running Time – 133 Minutes

Rating – ***1/2

Certain films begin to draw the attention of viewers right from the beginning while certain other flicks take their own time to connect with the viewers! This feature film fits under the second category but when that gets done, there is no looking back!The screenplay is set around a mortuary van driver whose wife is about to deliver her third child(the first & second did not live to see the world!) but he is on an assignment to ‘deliver’ a dead body to a place in Thirunelveli, the person had breathed his last in a road accident!Kumar, the protagonist leaves the responsibility of taking care of his wife and to be born child with an old man.While on the road, he is joined by a conventional artiste, Nalinamoorthy (Karunas, heart felt performance) who proves more of a nuisance than of much help.Problems crop up on the way and at one point, the corpse gets stolen!On the other front, the legal and illegal heirs are at loggerheads regarding assuming responsibility to do the last rituals for the departed soul.How Kumar finally manages to deliver the dead body is the rest narrated in an interesting and impressive manner punctuated with unexpected twists and turns!Vemal who is cut out for such characters is quite good as the protagonist.Karunas has landed with a powerful role and this film showcases his performance in a fitting manner.Demil Xavier Edwards’ camera work and N. R. Raghunathan’ s music are apt and appropriate blending with the mood of the film.A worthwhile flick that definitely deserves a watch.