Produced by – Uthraa Productions
Written and co-directed by Kausalya Nawarathnam
Screenplay & Direction – Kathir Raven S.
Cast – Kathir Raven S., Chandhine Kaur, Maya Glammy, Nandakumar etc.
Censor Rating – U
Running Time – 144 Minutes
Rating – ***
Shot in Malaysia with Malaysian artistes, the script has been set around the lives of 2 sets of lovers – Mithran – Sreesha and Arun – Neera
While Neera takes up a job at where Mithran is the CEO, Arun, Neera ‘s lover is a pilot!
Mithran’ s lover is an aspiring girl who looks forward to achieving more than Mithran! In that connection, she keeps postponing Mithran ‘s proposals of their marriage and at one point, he decides to break up much to her shock but she soon reconciles and moves on.
Meanwhile issues crop up between Neera and Arun as the latter wants to shift to Dubai from Malaysia.
In course of time, Mithran falls for Neera who checks his advances, initially.
Not before long, Arun and Neera break up while Mithran keeps wooing Neera, endlessly.
How the puzzle gets sorted out is the lengthy rest.
The film has been shot in exotic locales that are simply eye catching!
Had the film’s length been pruned a bit, the proceedings would have been still more fine…