The simplicity of #Superstar @rajinikanth ’Murattu Kaalai’ was scheduled to be filmed but due to various reasons the shoot could not commence and instead shoot for the Telugu film ‘Punnami Naagu’ with @chiranjeevikonidela Sir began.Post the release of Punnami Nagu, Shri M. Saravanan sent one of their Production Managers to fix a meeting with Rajini Sir regarding his availability, to which Rajini Sir said, “Saravanan Sir needn’t come to meet me. I will come myself”. The manager insisted that he would go back to the studio and send a car to pick Rajini Sir because he had come on a scooter and it was raining. But Rajini Sir was firm in his decision to go along with him on his scooter, and came to the studio. This incident speaks volumes of his simplicity.@avmproductions @arunaguhan_ @RIAZtheboss @V4umedia_