Directed by Kamalakannan, who directed films including ‘Madhubanakadai’ and ‘Vattam’, the film ‘Kurungu Petal’ starring Kali Venkat in the lead role. It is an adaptation of the short story ‘Bicycle’…
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Directed by Kamalakannan, who directed films including ‘Madhubanakadai’ and ‘Vattam’, the film ‘Kurungu Petal’ starring Kali Venkat in the lead role. It is an adaptation of the short story ‘Bicycle’…
*Sivakarthikeyan Productions to release the Heart-warming tale of ‘Kurangu Pedal’* Actor Sivakarthikeyan’s prestigious banner of Sivakarthikeyan Productions has unwaveringly encouraged, materialized and presented many content-driven films. It is now delighted…
We are happy to announce that our second feature film “KURANGU PEDAL” is selected for INDIAN PANORAMA 2022 as OFFICIAL SELECTION for International Film Festival of India to be held…