Ticket price discount “Peya Kaanom” -film crew in action!
Peya kaanom is a film directed by Selva Anbarasan starring Meeramithun and produced by Global Entertainment Theni.Bharat.Dr.R.Surulivel.
Hi Creators, who saw the movie Peya Kaanom, bought the rights to release the film after the film’s work was completed and censored.
Peya Kaanom film will hit the screens soon and will make people happy, and in order to reach all the people with a good comedy story, the tickets will be given 60% discount on the first day of release and 40% discount on the second day. It is to be noted that Hi Creators company is talking to the distributors and theater owners for this.
Velmurugan also sang the song ‘It’s En Khodi Phalutum Samaam’, Senthilganesh, Rajaletshmi and Gershom also sang the song ‘Suddu Kattulathan Pravapendi Nadu Samathula Varuvendi’.