Produced by-Brogan Movies
Written and Directed by-Vengat Bhuvan
Cast-Sridhar Master, Guru Somasundaram, Nitish Veera, Durga, Josephine Sharmila, Petter Raj etc
Censor Rating-U/A
Running Time-112 Minutes
A theme which has not been mostly dealt with on the screen so far has been discussed and deliberated in a non-linear format by the director certainly deserves kudos!
The ancient Tamils have been pioneers and forerunners in very many avenues and aspects and this film talks about the heritage value of herbal medicines that can cure almost all ailments!
What if a few individuals who happen to be researchers too try to exploit the traditional rich medical methodologies and venture to make money out it!
This exactly is the essence of the plot which has been tactfully narrated through the ‘eyes’ of a blind man in a very interesting manner.
Sridhar Master and Nithish Veera alternate as the blind man and it takes a bit of time for the viewers to come to terms with the technique used in creating that character!
The cast involves female characters too but predominantly, the film speaks at length about the designs of a researcher (Guru Somasundaram, he is impressive!) and how his evil plans of action and execution are thwarted, ultimately.
There are a few dull moments but overall the film stands out well creating a flutter!