Yomitha, daughter of a gold medal winning film editor

Yomitha to represent India in speed skating competition

Mr. Deva, who worked as a cameraman in various films like Manjapai Kadamban, daughter of “Yomitha” has been taking skating lessons from Mr. Raja at the SPUNK ROLLER SKATING Academy in KK Nagar, Chennai since the age of six. She has participated in district and state level skating competitions and has won 23 gold medals, 4 silver medals, 2 medals and 3 individual CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHY. In the 24th National Speed ​​Skating Championship organized by SPEED SKATING FEDRATION OF INDIA- (SSFI) in Madurai last January, 1200 students from states like Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Telangana, Kerala, Puducherry, Odisha, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Assam participated. In this, Yomita participated in the UNDER-8 category and won gold medals in both the 200 meters and 400 meters and also won the INDIVIDUAL CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHY. She is also going to represent India in the International Speed ​​Skating Championship to be held in Indonesia at the end of June…

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